New Bunion Surgical Technology

NEW BUNION SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY Douglas Livingston, DPM, FACFAS Do you suffer from a painful bunion? Now new technologically advanced surgical procedures are available that will allow you to walk immediately after the surgery, with minimal down time, no crutches, no cast and early return to work.  A bunion is a poorly aligned big toe joint.…

Diabetic Ulcers

DIABETIC ULCERS By: Douglas Livingston, DPM, FACFAS      Ulcers can form on anyone’s foot. However, diabetic patients have a much greater risk of developing ulcers on their feet. An ulcer is an open sore or wound that most commonly occurs on the bottom of the foot or on pressure points such as hammertoes or bunions. The…

Diabetic Neuropathy and the Foot

DIABETIC NEUROPATHY AND THE FOOT By Douglas Livingston, DPM, FACFAS Diabetes is a diagnosis that is being made all too often and with it comes the need for vigilant foot care. The foot and the eye are two organs that are adversely affected by diabetes and its increased sugar levels. The effects on the foot are due…

Arthritis and Your Feet

ARTHRITIS AND YOUR FEET       By Douglas Livingston, DPM, FACFAS Everyone associates the word arthritis with pain. Arthritis can affect all parts of the body. It is a broad term for many conditions that destroy the workings of a normal joint. Arthritis may occur in your back, neck, hips, knees, shoulders or hands as well as your…